Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Status Update

Nothing new to report in my life.  I actually keep pretty busy and am finding joy in where He has me.   My days generally start by waking when K does, getting his lunch together and morning conversations about the day's plans. I work out, shower and begin attacking the day's list of to-dos. Some days are tough, especially when the day is longer than my list. But I've found the closer I am to God the more joyous my days are.       

I'm excited for spring, it will be here before you know it! There are a handful of projects I want to start that need warmer weather.  I would like to redo some furniture and I plan to garden!  We will see how it goes, I've never actually planted anything that then successfully grew! Lucky for me (and whatever I plant) my brother and sister-in-law gave me a gardening book for my birthday! My new favorite thing to do is find new recipes to try out. I found this website, she has some really great recipes posted there. She uses some interesting ingredients (not as strange as Rachel Ray) so I will probably end up messing up/substituting a lot along the way... but that's the fun part, Right?!?

Well, I should hop to it. I plan to blog more, I just get going and forget all about it. This month should have more to share! 

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