Friday, March 18, 2011

Days Like These

I spent the afternoon with my best friend from high school/college. It was very much the same as it was before.  Sitting in her parents living room, laughing about fun times, eating food, talking about boys.  Except those boys are now our husbands and in the background of all that fun- was her beautiful cooing baby boy. If we had known then, where we would be today - I think we would be delighted at how good He is.

It's days like these, spent reminiscing and then driving a little too fast down a back road - the warm air blowing in and the radio on too loud, that I am back there again. Back in my old chevy cavalier driving down those same roads.   I wonder what I would say to myself all those years ago.  I probably wouldn't have taken my own advice anyway.  I was just sure I knew everything.  Ha.

I think I would tell myself not to worry so much, God really is bigger than everything.  To be nicer to the people around me and look outside my little world. I would tell myself to save a little of the money from my high school job and spend a little more time at home on the weekends. Not that I would change a thing; I feel so blessed to be where I am, to have a wonderful husband.  The Lord has provided in SO many ways.  I just think I should tell myself - there is more past today.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

True Confessions of a Stay-at-Home Wife

*** This one too...  This one was from a couple of weeks back. ***

Confession #1
This may be the toughest job I have ever had.
It sounds easy, but it can be difficult emotionally. There isn't anyone to commend or praise me for my 'wonderful work' during the day. I mean, let's face it, there isn't anything life changing about clean laundry. However, and most importantly, it has forced me to seek what God wants from me as his child. I may not know why He has placed me in this role, but I will find joy in it.

Confession #2
I feel guilty
When budget day rolls around and I compile the previous week's expenses I feel guilty. If only for more cushion in our savings account, there are times I wish I had a job.

Confession #3
I love it
I enjoy staying at home.  When people ask me what I do, I get to say I am K's wife. And what a blessing that is! Weekends are chore free and when K gets home from work we can spend time together - or he can spend time on something he enjoys doing.  We still have un-fun things to tackle when K gets home ... and once we buy our first home we will probably have many more things I can't do on my own ... but we have much more free time. I am also much less stressed.  I can give 100% to what I am doing.  When I was working I never felt like I was able to do anything right, like I had too many pots on the stove.

An Accent

*** oops.  I found there were a couple of posts I didn't actually publish.  This one is from December sometime***

I thought this was such a neat idea for drapes.  I am sure it isn't new, but I stumbled across them while Christmas shopping and liked them.   These are from Urban Outfitters, but it would be fun to hunt for unique pieces and make it my own.  It would be one of those subtle touches- like the cherry on top!  
 Broach used as a tie back for drapes.

Antique doorknob used as a drape tie-back. 

Status Update

Nothing new to report in my life.  I actually keep pretty busy and am finding joy in where He has me.   My days generally start by waking when K does, getting his lunch together and morning conversations about the day's plans. I work out, shower and begin attacking the day's list of to-dos. Some days are tough, especially when the day is longer than my list. But I've found the closer I am to God the more joyous my days are.       

I'm excited for spring, it will be here before you know it! There are a handful of projects I want to start that need warmer weather.  I would like to redo some furniture and I plan to garden!  We will see how it goes, I've never actually planted anything that then successfully grew! Lucky for me (and whatever I plant) my brother and sister-in-law gave me a gardening book for my birthday! My new favorite thing to do is find new recipes to try out. I found this website, she has some really great recipes posted there. She uses some interesting ingredients (not as strange as Rachel Ray) so I will probably end up messing up/substituting a lot along the way... but that's the fun part, Right?!?

Well, I should hop to it. I plan to blog more, I just get going and forget all about it. This month should have more to share!