I spent the afternoon with my best friend from high school/college. It was very much the same as it was before. Sitting in her parents living room, laughing about fun times, eating food, talking about boys. Except those boys are now our husbands and in the background of all that fun- was her beautiful cooing baby boy. If we had known then, where we would be today - I think we would be delighted at how good He is.
It's days like these, spent reminiscing and then driving a little too fast down a back road - the warm air blowing in and the radio on too loud, that I am back there again. Back in my old chevy cavalier driving down those same roads. I wonder what I would say to myself all those years ago. I probably wouldn't have taken my own advice anyway. I was just sure I knew everything. Ha.
I think I would tell myself not to worry so much, God really is bigger than everything. To be nicer to the people around me and look outside my little world. I would tell myself to save a little of the money from my high school job and spend a little more time at home on the weekends. Not that I would change a thing; I feel so blessed to be where I am, to have a wonderful husband. The Lord has provided in SO many ways. I just think I should tell myself - there is more past today.
I had another baby!
8 years ago