Tuesday, December 7, 2010


We've been so blessed to have so many people here to share the holidays with.  We spent Thanksgiving with some friends and had a wonderful time.  and I discovered a new love... puzzles! I don't know what it is about them, but for a seemingly boring activity - it was very fun and exciting!  K and I decided to tack that on to our holiday traditions too. We had the opportunity to skype with our family Thanksgiving day too. Living so far from family has been difficult at times, but wonderful at others. We lean on each other and have become our own family. I discover new things about him every day and am thankful daily that God blessed me with my best friend.

For Thanksgiving K and I baked an apple pie - I have so much fun baking with him... it can be messy but tons of laughs! 

We decorated for Christmas this past weekend.... photos to come!  I love what Christmas decorations bring to a room. So warm and comforting. We have had so much fun integrating family traditions and making new ones of our own. We pick a special day to decorate the tree, watch Christmas movies and spend time together.

Well, thats all for thanksgiving!  We're getting excited for Christmas and there is a lot of planning and shopping yet to do.


  1. Hello friend. I would like to be your first comment! Come on over to my blog and "FOLLOW" ME please :)
    Love your layout. Youre too cute. You better keep up with this blog thing.

  2. Val I have to say how unfair it is for you to look so gorgeous...especially after baking! Me I would have flour all over me and look a wreck :)
