Tuesday, December 28, 2010

2011 To-Do List

In no particular order, I have listed some goals I have for myself for 2011.

Learn to play the piano. I would love to be-able to read music and at least have a beginners ability to play the piano. It is so beautiful and I would love to incorporate it in my worship time

Learn to sew. Now, I don't intend on sewing my very own denim jumper or starting a fashion line, but I would like to know my way around a sewing machine and be capable of beginner tasks. There are little projects I would like to tackle on my own.  

Garden. This may need to be a gradual task, but I would love to start gardening.  Some flowers, fruits, and veggies. Maybe I will start small this year with a small box garden

Change. Really, being more intentional and present in the Sanctification process. This year a small group of women read "You Can Change" by Tim Chester. It was a wonderful book and a great time of encouragement and accountability.  We each selected a sin in our lives that we felt spired to tackle.  Mine was my anger rooted in my selfishness. I hope to speak more truth to myself and allow less of my flesh to get in the way. 

Given my tendency to make grandiose lists, I will force myself to end there! 

Thursday, December 23, 2010


While browsing around the other day I stumbled across some art inspiration for a VERY distant future child's room.  

I just think this is so adorable!  It looks pretty simple, and can be customized to any room by the art paper you select

This one too!  Could be boy or girl depending on 
the colors and paper.*

I often come across things that I don't want to forget, but wont get to use for a while yet.  I tend to clip them from a magazine and file them away. Otherwise I would have piles and piles of Pottery Barn catalogs all over the house!   I also do this with advice. I will hear someone talk about a book they recommend for disciplining your child or sharing the Gospel on there level and I have to write it down.  Even if I never get to use it... maybe I will remember to pass it on! 
With the extra time I will have on my hand soon, I might just dream up ways to implement these with grown-up style so I can have a project!

*I stumbled across these and other cute ideas on etsy.com!  

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


We've been so blessed to have so many people here to share the holidays with.  We spent Thanksgiving with some friends and had a wonderful time.  and I discovered a new love... puzzles! I don't know what it is about them, but for a seemingly boring activity - it was very fun and exciting!  K and I decided to tack that on to our holiday traditions too. We had the opportunity to skype with our family Thanksgiving day too. Living so far from family has been difficult at times, but wonderful at others. We lean on each other and have become our own family. I discover new things about him every day and am thankful daily that God blessed me with my best friend.

For Thanksgiving K and I baked an apple pie - I have so much fun baking with him... it can be messy but tons of laughs! 

We decorated for Christmas this past weekend.... photos to come!  I love what Christmas decorations bring to a room. So warm and comforting. We have had so much fun integrating family traditions and making new ones of our own. We pick a special day to decorate the tree, watch Christmas movies and spend time together.

Well, thats all for thanksgiving!  We're getting excited for Christmas and there is a lot of planning and shopping yet to do.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

In the Beginning

We (I) decided to finally give in and join the blogging community.  I will admit, I am mostly excited about picking a background and blog hopping than anything but I do think it will be fun to update family and friends with our adventures.  I realize I am entering a world filled with blogging mommies, but maybe tales of our adventures will capture someones attention!  

K is not as excited as I am about this, though he probably knows more than anyone just how un-interesting we are.  I will pretend this is a joint effort (picture us deliberating over what story to tell and where the proper emphasis should be placed....)  but really, it will be a me thing. However, a warning... like the blanket I am crocheting, the scrapbook I am working on, and the picture I am painting... this is likely to get shoved into a corner and forgotten once the excitement fizzles. 

But, until then... I will kick it off by posting a blast from the past. Check out that smirk.