Again, it has been awhile. This time I have no excuse. March brought some fun things! A visit from my mother, the mark of another year older, and many more blessings.

My bff visited from NC late March. It was very exciting to see her and her little one! It's strange how not much has changed since the last time we were together, but how SO much has. I hadn't even met C before, and man is he a cutie pie! I had such fun shopping for him and with my bff! We had a blast eating out, hanging around the house, and just talking like we used to. I so wish she lived closer!

I started my container garden this week. I wanted to start small and have it mobile in case we found a house sometime sooner rather than later :) We planted cherry tomatoes, strawberries and green peppers. Supposedly, they should do well together and in the container, but we will see! It is all a learning process. Unfortunately, I don't like to make mistakes ... so lets cross our fingers. I'm slightly protective over my little plants. Last night we had ourselves quite a thunderstorm that woke me up. I just had to make sure that my plants weren't getting blown away ... or flooded! I just cant wait to pick some sun-warmed cherry tomatoes from my garden! I plan to take pictures along to way to show my green thumb in action. I wish I was better at taking photos. I carry our camera in my purse everywhere I go, but I never remember to take pictures. It is something I am working on ... but its one thing on a very LONG list.

I've been reading "Comforts from the Cross" by Elyse Fitzpatrick. I've returned to is several times for my daily devotional reading and I HIGHLY recommend it. God reveals more and more to me through it and it is very rejuvenating. I struggle to speak truth to myself and find that this book has helped as I grow in that area, among many others. I am planning to get a jump on my reading list... we just have to see how many books K will let me order at once.
Well, that is a little bit of everything.... or maybe just a sampling of what I've been up to. The weather is starting to get nicer and I am excited for what Spring will bring!