Questions like .. "Will I ever find a hair stylist/dentist/doctor/chiropractor... I like again?" swirl around your head when you move. Silly as they sound, it stinks to break in a new hairdresser.. but those are so minute compared to finding where God wants me in the Body.
This is the part of moving that I dreaded the most. It's difficult to leave behind friends and your normal routine, but to find a new church to call home is not something I was looking forward to. We have been in T-town for about a month now, and have been to a handful of churches in the area. Sometimes I feel like Goldy Locks. I want a church not to big, not too small... I want a church that is just right. But, it's not about what I want, or what will make us the most comfortable. We are actively seeking the church He wants us to be apart of. A place where we can served and where we will be called out onto the carpet (lovingly) because we are daily sinners. I just need to remind myself of this... weekly.
We are slowly finding our grove here. K is back to work and enjoying his job. I am loving being his house wife and serving him in ways I frankly didn't have time to when I worked full time. I haven't closed the door on going back to work. I still look for opportunities and have an ear out for them, I am just patiently (as much as I can) waiting.
Prayers as we continue to seek His will and not our own.
Oh, and to end on something funny...
Word is we are experiencing a "snow-pocalypse" here. That's quite a title for a few inches of snow and a little ice - I will say it might not be as bad here as other places in the state, but it still makes me laugh.
I had another baby!
8 years ago